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Party Demons


Party Demon
(Daemominus pars)

Party Demons are native to the Underworld and have teleportation powers that allow them to travel through space and different realities.  Hence they are able to freely travel between the underworld and your home.

Although they are demons, there is no need to worry about these guys as they are more of a nuisance than anything bad.  Think of them like the moth that ends up in your bathroom while you're butt naked.  It's uncomfortable and no one wants them around, but at the end of they day they're harmless.

Daemominus pars means, Less Demon that Parties or simply Demon that parties.


Colour Morphs:
Party Demons so far are known to come in two varieties.  A white-faced and Black-faced colour morph.  It appears that the Black-faced morph is less common.  It is thought that there may be an existence of a rare Red and Yellow-faced morphs (possibly subspecies), but this is unconfirmed as should be taken with a grain of salt.

Locomotion and face position:
These Demons are inconstant with how they carry their locomotion.  They are able to freely change between a biped and quadruped stance and even stay somewhere in between.  It is unknown to how they are able to do this.
As their choice of locomotion changes, so does the position of their face.  When in their typical partial biped or quadruped stance, their head seems narrower and pointing more forwards with their face on the end.  When in a bipedal form, their head and face is more like that of a human.  It is also unclear on how this is possible, but it's thought that it's able to "slide" and move around when needed.  It's also hypothesized if the face is even real, but further analysis is required.

Party Demons are in the True Demon order and are apart of the Lesser Demon family.
It is thought they are closely related to two other species known as Thirsty (Milk) Demons and Purgatory-minion Demons.
Lesser Demons are relatively harmless, while some members of the family may possess strong abilities they usually don't pose any sort of threat.  This is not the case for the Greater Demon family which can pose a significant threat depending on the species.

​How Party Demons reproduce is a mystery.  They have no sexual organs, but rather than reproducing asexually like how you would expect, DNA analysis revealed that there is a significant amount of genetic variation in Party Demon populations indicating sexual reproduction.  Upon further analysis, it's been found that a party demon may be able to have up to 3 parents.

Powers and Abilities:

- Teleportation
- Inter and intra universal travel
​- Multiversal travel
- Change locomotion
​- Language
- Ability to piss you off


First appearance: Party Demons (2019)

Other appearances: Trouble with the Jibbles (2020)

Weaknesses and Fears:

- Really bad and cringe music
​- Wizards

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