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Weta 2 wtm.jpg

Insect Collecting

About My Collecting


The collection of insects and other invertebrates.


Not a common hobby, but that's why I picked it up.  I've found that I've been able to learn more about the weird and wonderous world of bugs though the process of identifying and displaying specimens.


I'm not entirely sure what inspired me to start collecting, maybe I just thought that the collections you see in museums was pretty neat and wanted to replicate that.  When I first started I was just storing dead bugs I found in an old box, however I started researching on how to properly display a variety of different insects and once I felt confident enough I started to actually pin them using old sewing needles.


I started off with more simple specimens, like flies, wasps and cicadas.  Then gradually onto more complex species as my skill set grew.  The first "complex" specimen I displayed was a Lemon Tree Borer (beetle species), and I managed to display it with it's elytra and wings fully extended out.  From there my skills and collection only grew.


Now I can fully taxidermy large insects like Weta, that need to have their guts taken out as to not rot.  I have even done multiple sea sponges and a sea star.


The majority of my specimens I find are already dead, however the ones I do kill are usually introduced/invasive species or if the insect is already dying.  I euthanise them by placing them in the freezer where they naturally fall asleep before their body shuts down.  I also usually refuse to kill any native species.


I'm not sure on what the future holds for this hobby, maybe take on a bit of freelance work if people want insects displayed.  What I know is that I find enjoyment out of it and see it as a strange, but unique art form.  Trying to capture the beauty of the tiny beasts around us.

bug collection 1.png
bug collection 2.png
Callidiopis scutellaris wtm 2.jpg
Callidiopis scutellaris wtm 1.jpg
Weta 1 wtm.jpg
Weta 2 wtm.jpg
Lemon tree borer 2 wtm.jpg
Lemon tree borer 3 wtm.jpg
weirdo critters 1.jpg
weirdo critters 2.jpg
dem buggos.jpg
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